Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher Training

YogaBlends 200hr teacher training starts Sept. 2020! 

Sign up asap as spots fill up fast!

Teacher Training Payment $3,000
Director of Teacher Training - Lara Mazour-Brodsky E - R.Y.T. 500

As the Upanishad says:  "Asato ma sad gamaya, tamaso ma jyotir gamaya, mrityor ma amritam gamaya -From the temporary lead me to the eternal, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to immortality."  May you always be Light.

Lara's Studio has been successfully providing Yoga Alliance teacher training since 2003.  Our adaptive approach continues to provide students with the most up-to-date instruction available.

"If you’re looking to not only inspire others but also deepen your own practice Lara's Studio is the place to be. It was truly a unique and special experience that has enlightened me like I never thought possible. With such an experienced and genuine teacher you will finish the program with the skills of an exceptional teacher. I loved this program and look forward to learning more from such a genuine and amazing woman!"


Lindsay, RYT 200 graduate 2011, Carlsbad, CA


“Dear Lara,


Thank you so much for your teacher training. I searched long and hard for the right training program and I am so happy that I chose your program. Transformational, amazing, enlightening are just a few words to describe your program.


After completing your teacher training I was hired immediately as a Yoga Instructor and now I am in the process of opening my own Yoga and Wellness Center in upstate New York.


Can’t wait to do your 500 hour program!


Ony Antonucci RYT 200, NY

Payment Options

The teacher training I took from Lara was truly a once in a lifetime experience.  This is not your ordinary, run of the mill training class; Lara pours her heart and soul into each and every one of her students and creates an amazing experience that one is sure to never forget.  I learned so much and enjoyed every second of the hands on training.  Lara is a ray of light and nurtures her students so that they are prepared and knowledgeable and ready to teach on their own.  I will always be grateful I had the opportunity to take the YogaBlends teacher training program."


Natasha, RYT 200 graduate 2011, Las Vegas, NV

Yoga Alliance 200hr Teacher Training Curriculum (Example)
Session One

Session One





July 2016

Thu: 5:00p-10:00p

Sat: 12:00p-6:00p

Sun: 12:00p-8:00p


Begin exploration of Chakra system and what it means to you and your personal journey in Life! Chakra based yoga classes combined with Yoga Philosophy, Anatomy and Physiology, Ethics, Lifestyle, Practicum and Technique. 20 full hours of Experience to learn how blockages in your body can interrupt the flow of your emotions and mind. Understand: Then cleanse, purify and balance!

July 2016

Thu: 5:00p-10:00p

Sat: 12:00p-6:00p

Sun: 12:00p-8:00p


The continuation of Session One. 20 more hours of Chakra understanding that includes Anatomy of the Sushumna, Ida and Pingala Channels of Energy. Use different techniques for healing physical, mental and emotional distresses. Learn which Asanas balance coordinating Chakras. Get a spine of a 5 year old again!

Session Two

July 2016

Thu: 5:00p-10:00p

Sat: 12:00p-6:00p

Sun: 12:00p-8:00p

Meditation and Pranayama

Control your Breath; Control your Mind: Control your Life! Learn why chanting, walking, breathing, journaling, pausing, reading, candle gazing, and having a beginner's mind can all integrate with each other. Incorporating Session One's tools, Session Two will dramatically change your life and those around you. 20 full hours that combines Yoga Philosophy, Anatomy and Physiology, Ethics, Lifestyle, Practicum and Technique. Challenge Yourself!

July 2016

Thu: 5:00p-10:00p

Sat: 12:00p-6:00p

Sun: 12:00p-8:00p

Meditation and Pranayama

Continue to Evolve. Everything becomes Crystal Clear during this second part of Session Two. As you melt into your practice a little deeper, you begin to remember more. How and what do we breathe at the cellular level? How many consciousness levels are there? Come find out.

Session Three

August 2016

Thu: 5:00p-10:00p

Sat: 12:00p-6:00p

Sun: 12:00p-8:00p

Philosophy, History, Lifestyle

This Session Three will reveal powerful insights, inspire your lifestyle to set good examples and create a background of philosophical understanding to support your yogic practice and search for truth. Acquiring knowledge can take years, but this Session will help speed the process up so you can Awaken! 20 hours to include full scale that includes Anatomy and Physiology, Practicum and Technique.

August 2016

Thu: 5:00p-10:00p

Sat: 12:00p-6:00p

Sun: 12:00p-8:00p

Philosophy, History, Lifestyle

As per Pantajali, yoga helps one suspend the mind’s waves and gives the ability to pay attention to life.  This means experiencing what you are actually living, rather than letting life pass you by.  This format is the basis of yoga philosophy as practiced in our time. Sound Interesting? 20 more hours to become curious about the relationship we have with ourselves and each other, inviting over 5000 years of proven techniques to be healthy in mind, body and soul!

Session Four

August 2016

Thu: 5:00p-10:00p

Sat: 12:00p-6:00p

Sun: 12:00p-8:00p

Teaching Methodology

The Gateway to becoming the best teacher possible! You've become a light-worker in Session One, Two and Three. Now, share this gift with the world! Hands on adjustments(learn when and why), sequencing(vinyasa too!), finding your voice(strong and calm), instruction(clear), observing(bodies), listening and correcting. Session Three continues with Anatomy and Physiology, Philosophy, History and Lifestyle, but lots of Teaching Methodology and Practicum for Aspiring Teachers!

August 2016

Thu: 5:00p-10:00p

Sat: 12:00p-6:00p

Sun: 12:00p-8:00p

Teaching Methodology

Mastering the Art of teaching! This Session continues to improve your skill of being a great teacher. You will learn the business side of teaching, plus your code of ethics. You will practice teaching in front of other classmates. You will be certified at the 200hr by Lara's Studio. Namaste!


The yoga teacher training program costs $3,000(credit cards accepted). The tuition charge includes the monthly trainings, student teaching, independent studies and space for community service classes . This tuition includes hand-outs, notebook, yoga mat, guest teachers, kirtans with live music events, and free yoga classes at CAC for the training period.


For those of you who want to deepen your practice and take one or two sessions, the cost is $650.00 per session.  


Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

       The curriculum follows the guidelines recognized by the Yoga Alliance at the 200 hour level as the standard for yoga teacher training programs.


Teaching Technique  -  100 hours

       Teaches both the theory and practice of asana (poses), meditation, pranayama (breathing). Over 60 poses are studied in-depth and various meditation and breathing techniques are practiced and demonstrated.


Teaching Methodology  -  25 hours

       Teaches the demonstration and observation of poses; how to assist, adjust, and modify the poses; understanding students' learning styles; developing one's teaching style; and the business of yoga.


Anatomy and Physiology  -  20 hours

       Teaches both physical anatomy and physiology and energy anatomy and physiology (i.e., chakras, meridians and nadis) as they apply to yoga teaching. 


Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics  -  30 hours

       Teaches the history of yoga; different styles of yoga; yoga philosophy; the Sanskrit names for poses; and the ethical behavior of yoga teachers.


Community Service  -  5 hours


Practicum/Independent Study (incl. additional time with Lara in aspects above) - 20 hours



Required Reading -

  • ·       Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel
  • ·       Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith
  • ·       Bhagavad Gita by Swami Prabhavananda & Christopher Isherwood
  • ·       Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
  • ·       Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by B.K.S. Iyengar

Teacher Training held at:
Summerlin, NV

YogaBlends Teacher Training
Coming September, 2020
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