YOGABLENDS™ is an herbal tea for anyone who seeks a healthier lifestyle. More importantly, I am a walking testimonial for this tea! I use it regularly to detoxify and have wonderful bowel movements! If you’ve done your asanas, and practice your yoga on a regular basis, or even if you haven’t started your yoga program yet, and you still do not have that simple movement in the morning, then try YOGABLENDS™!
YOGABLENDS™ has only four ingredients: all of the highest, natural form. 1. Locust Plant (Cassia Angustifolia) 2. Gynostemma (Penta Phyllum 3. Lyccli Berry Leaf 4. Hibiscus
No Chemicals! No Caffeine! Safe and Effective!
The flavor is a delicate blend of cranberries and blueberries. You can drink it hot or cold and you can add stevia or other sweeteners to enhance your experience!
The tea is ready for purchase. For more information please complete the form below. Thank you for your interest in YOGABLENDS™.